Mercury Retrograde Special!


funny-stop-sign-queen-Freddie-MercuryThis week, we chat about Black History Month (or the lack of it), and how I can’t understand anyone in The Wire – sometimes even the people from England. We also talk about rain, and how it affects the Oscars, London’s streets, and spiders the size of Mini Metros. Rob then takes the quiz, at least until the planet Mercury (or possibly the ghost of Harold Ramis) causes us to lose him forever, forcing Sam to step into the red tights. Johnson sort of keeps “wide boy” above the waist, Sam has a guess at “chaw”, and we go to yet another gripping tiebreaker!

2 thoughts on “Mercury Retrograde Special!

  1. Hello. Having grown up around many a good ole boy who used both chaw and dip, I feel I can advise you, they are definitely two different products. Chaw is shredded leaf (mostly de-stemmed) that is stuck inside the cheek. Dip is finely chopped or ground flakes that is stuck down inside the bottom lip. Dip is also quite commonly flavored mint. Boys I grew up with would spit into beer bottles and carry the same bottle around for days. Very nasty indeed.

  2. Oh! And there’s this. Chaw came in a foil lined pouch but Dip came in a small cannister with a lid. Boys would stick the can in their jeans back pocket and after a while the can would rub a circular wear mark on the pocket. So that even if you took the can out, the ring was still there. That was a badge of honor. Somehow boys with the ring on their pocket were a degree cooler than boys without. That was a thing!

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