Chocolate and Jesus


british-easter-eggsEaster for the Christians, passover for the Jews, chocolate for everyone! We talk about all three of those things, plus Stephen Fry’s spider bite and why it’s only hooman to say Jagwar. Yeah. Later, Jordan takes the quiz, getting agita from schlepping a po’ boy to the bayou, while Johnson gets chivvied into getting a slapper up the duff. Is it Thursday already?

5 thoughts on “Chocolate and Jesus

  1. Another great show……. but if you hadn’t introduced the Quiz contestant as Jordan, I would have sworn that was Sam! Identical voice and intonation. Never noticed that before – similar sense of humour too. Well done, Jordon – Freddie next?!

  2. Diaspora – dee ass pora. Dispersion of any people (not only the Jewish
    community) from their homeland. James is a one person diaspora, and the U S of A is the better for that!

  3. ‘Make an ostrich blush,’ marvelous.

    John Noakes is 70 and is still alive. No ‘Blue Peter,’ badge for you squire….

  4. On the Easter habits, I’m with Johnson. Baskets with sweets inside are much nicer than those giant look alikes. Whatever happened to British reserve?
    Schleppen, as you will not be surprised, is a German word, much used in the context of getting around in Heathrow or helping our friends in Southern Europe.
    Then, James, Ja gu ar is not US/Ford but Indian/Tata owned, alas, it is still manufactured in the British isles.
    Finally, is loo a word used in the US and where does it come from?

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