The Future Is Now!


MartySeriously, look at the size of that television! And you can hang it on the wall! Yes, it’s 2015, so we take the opportunity to discuss which predictions in “Back To The Future 2” came true, and which they got horribly wrong. Then we discuss an important link between (The Artist Formerly Known As) Prince and Tonka Toys. Finally, Beth Kent gets in touch to fill us in on Red Vines and Twizzlers, and we, in exchange, give her some homework.

Some links to things we mention: Michael J. Fox as he should look now, the Dave Chappelle/Charlie Murphy Prince thing, and the public information film on British currency decimalisation.

A Christmas Quickie


KwikEThis week, despite a crippling hangover, Johnson bravely pulls some christmas crackers, so we naturally tell bad jokes, wear paper crowns, and discuss the noises made by animals in foreign countries. Hope you all had a terrific holiday, and have a safe New Year’s. Thanks for listening this year, and we’ll talk to you all in 2015!

Kicked in the Bunyans


Paul Bunyan webA packed episode! First we talk about rain, vol-au-vents, and what color liquorice should be. Then we read some listener mail about Where’s Waldo (and various other people), and the ongoing feud between the show’s Arsenal and Man Utd supporters. Later, Sam takes the quiz and tries to figure out what a “Sooner” is, while Johnson fancies a “dolly mixture.”

Lens Flare Edition


star-trek-2009-lens-flareJohnson’s back, and after discussing whether or not Yosemite and Yellowstone exist outside of cartoons, we chat about Thanksgiving football and the correct way to say “Detroit.” Then Johnson complains about KPCC stealing our ideas again with a bit called “Americanisms creeping into the UK” and finally we learn some American phrases Brits don’t understand, which somehow devolves into a rant about Greek terms in the American education system. Then we add some lens flare.