Johnson’s Big Blue Hole


BigBlueHoleVery late with this one, but we talk about the (at the time unnamed) new princess, and then I make the Kentucky Derby sound more British, which is to say, better. Then, it’s time for another round of our annual tradition: “Star Wars Character or NFL Prospect” which is much harder than it sounds. Finally, we talk about Johnson’s upcoming trip to a mysterious place that, according to modern maps, doesn’t even exist…

Like A Diamante Cowboy


RhinestoneCowboyThis week, a letter from our Kansas chum Jeff gets us arguing over who should be allowed to call their sport “football.” Then, I give Johnson chocolate spiked with something, and share one of my famous (and slightly stupid) observations, this time about large paper clips. Beth gets in touch, with a story from the UK involving donuts and white supremacy, and finally Cocker takes the quiz, which leads to everything from cheesy snacks to Kiefer Sutherland.

Some links to things we talk about: the Sudeikis stuff (in case you missed it), the Glenn Campbell video, the B.A. Robertson song, and the Tommy Boy bit.

World Cup Special


sadSomething different this week: to help us cope with England’s early departure from the World Cup, my friend Des Gallagher and I complain at length about the state of English football: the media buildup, pampered stars, the impact of the Premier League, foreign managers, and which team we’ll be supporting for the rest of the tournament. This inevitably gets a little “football-y” so apologies to any of you who have little or no interest in football, but the rest of you can nod knowingly along. Normal service will be resumed next week, when we’ll be back to talking about Ribena.