Breakfast In America


SupertrampBreakfastInAmericaWe’ll take this week’s episode sunny side up! We talk mostly about the bountiful options available to Americans, everything from egg style to toast type. Later, Ed Gamble (the other half of Peacock & Gamble) arrives to take the quiz, and tries to figure out “hush puppy,” “cholo” and “tchatchke.” Johnson, meanwhile, has interesting definitions of “chav,” “todger” and “swizz.” Happy Earth Day, everyone!

2 thoughts on “Breakfast In America

  1. @James
    Really liked your rapid list of British nice words, could you post them, so we can all improve? Suggest you discuss the overuse of certain words in both lingos, such as, US – awesome or worse,like ( Paul, what is the punishment for teenagers who use them, like, 50 times in one sentence); UK – brilliant or super or indeed. And – here is a question for you: What happens on May 25th at Wembley?
    Love your imagination as to what those Brit words could mean, but the overriding
    themes seem to be sex or discrimination, I wonder about the roots of this?
    And – I feel in order to level the playing filed that you should get James to quizz Americans who have been subjected to lots of UK TV shows, as in Masterpeiece theatre, Keeping up apperances, Monthy python, Eaton place, Benny Hill, Downton Abbey and the like or have suffered through years of fish’n’chips.

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